Restaurant Ordering System
Restaurant Ordering System - how does it work?
Our restaurant ordering system is easy to use, simple and user friendly. The screenshots below show different types of food, but there is no limitation. The system can be used with any type of food or restaurant type, including catering companies & bakeries.
Restaurant Ordering System - step by step

Categories & Items - with menu pictures/Prices
1. Restaurant Menu Items
Our restaurant ordering system is simple, yet sophisticated. You can have an unlimited number of food items all divided into their appropriate categories & sub-categories. These will be professionally displayed on your website & online ordering system for your customers to browse and choose from.
2. Choosing What to Order
Your customers browse through your menu and choose as many items as they want to order. Our online ordering software is sophisticated, allowing customers to customize their orders and choose exactly what they want. Regardless of what kind of food/menu you have, our software can handle the options and choices your menu requires. For group orders, customers can also specify which menu items are for which members of the group. In addition, there’s a box to type in any special instructions the customer requires.

Each order can be customized with options / modifiers

The Cart - Getting ready to place the order
3. ordering food / food cart
As your customers add restaurant items into the shopping cart (ordering system), a list with all their selections is maintained on the right side of the ordering website. They have the option to edit/delete/update/change options of any specific items directly in the shopping cart. In addition, they will be required to choose whether they would like place an order for “Pick-Up”, “Dine-In” or “Delivery” (Based on your restaurant’s specific settings). After selecting the order for option, they will be required to choose whether they want to place the order for right now (“ASAP”) or schedule it for a later time or date (Great for picking up your food on the way home from work, or placing an order early to pick up during lunch).
4. Placing order - step 1
There are 2 steps in the checkout process. Step 1 is to either login or register on your restaurant ordering system and Step 2 is to actually pay & submit the order. Your customers will have to register once on your website/online ordering system and they can place future orders just by logging in. Customers see a login screen with 2 options – login or join the site.

Login screen / option to create account

First order customers / can use all this for marketing
4. placing Order - step 2
Customers who have not ordered before through your restaurant’s online ordering system have to register and provide the following information (See screenshot below). All this information is stored securely and you as the restaurant owner have access to them. You will build a database of your customers and can market to them regularly for additional business.
5. send order to the restaurant
This is the last and final screen customers see in order to complete and place their order with your restaurant. They can either choose to “pay online” or “pay in person” (you can limit payment options to either or allow both options). In addition, customers can fully change their order. They can increase/decrease the quantity amounts, special instructions, whether the order is for pick-up, dine-in or delivery. Customers can also add tip amounts to orders.

Paying and submitting the order to the restaurant
Restaurant Ordering System
Order Confirmation / sending to the restaurant
Once order is paid for (and confirmed) or pay in person option picked, the order is submitted to the restaurant to be filled. Restaurant is first notified with a text message or an automated phone call letting them know someone has placed an order online, followed by submitting theorder details to the restaurant through email, fax, printer.
Ready to get started with our restaurant online ordering system? Have any questions? Check out our frequently asked questions about our restaurant ordering system here. Also, don’t forget to read some customer reviews here.