Felixs BBQ Catering
5671 Palmer Way
Ste D
Carlsbad, CA, US, 92101

Restaurant Hours

Sunday 05:30AM - 12:15PM

Monday thru Saturday 09:00AM - 07:00PM

Sorry our Holiday orders are closed
Our contact number is 760 459 1111

Corporate Catering

Taco Bar Buffet

Choose up to 6 meats ( Ground Beef is included in the price ) Pay for assed on meats.


Shopping Cart    

Name Qty Price
Subtotal $0.00
Tax $0.00
Delivery Charge $30.00
Total Amount $0.00
Delivery Minimum $50.00

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Order Time

Date Time

Order Ready Time ~ 24 hour(s)

Estimated Delivery Time ~ 24 hour(s), 45 minute(s)

credit card types

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